Our Team
A Community of Professionals
United in Purpose
Scott Simpson, Head of School
I have been married to my amazing wife, Teresa, for 22 years and we have three sons: Andrew, Tyler, and Jake. Most of our time is spent at church, school, sports games, and band competitions. We’re all pretty competitive during family game nights and we love to travel and hike into God’s creation.
One of the defining moments of my career was the month before graduation, when I was offered a full-time teaching position at an incredible school and a full-time youth pastor position at a large church. I had spent the school year completing my education degree and my summers on mission trips or serving as a youth pastor, including one summer as an intern and one summer full-time for a church in between
pastors. God clearly opened my heart and took me to teaching, even though I was so excited and ready for the ministry.
I have no doubt that God did call me into ministry, but in a different form than church leadership. I do fully believe that my service in the public, magnet, and private schools have been for his glory, having a positive effect on students, teachers, and families throughout my time in teaching and educational leadership.
I served as a teacher and instructional coach for 11 years, teaching at the elementary, middle, and high school levels. I was blessed to have a principal who saw leadership in me and directed me to administration. After teaching, I served as an assistant principal and principal for 11 years at Liberty Magnet, Osceola Magnet, and Treasure Coast Elementary.
God has given me a passion for educating students and a relentlessly competitive spirit to provide the best education on the entire Treasure Coast. One of the unique experiences of Vero Classical School is that we are committed to go beyond the development of a student’s mind. We are committed to a Christ-centered education that cultivates wonder, wisdom, and worship. Students will learn to pursue truth, goodness and beauty within the confines of human knowledge and skills, for we are called to love the Lord our God with all of our hearts and souls as well, not just our minds.

B.A. Social Science, Wheaton College
History, Political Science, Anthropology Concentration, Bible & Theology minor
M.A. Teaching, Wheaton College
Certification in Elementary K-6, Mathematics 5-9, Language Arts 5-9, Social Science 6-12, Science
6-12, ESOL K-12
Ed.S. Educational Leadership, Nova Southeastern University
Educational Leadership (all levels)
Vero Classical School Faculty

Wendy Swearingen, Kindergarten
I am so excited to teach kindergarten at Vero Classical School. I have a Bachelors degree in Psychology, and I will begin my seventh year of teaching this fall.
I have been married to Nate for 20 years, and have two children, Banks who is 13,
and Ava who is 10. We love to watch our kids sports- football, basketball, and
lacrosse. I also enjoy the outdoors, relaxing at the beach and spending time with my
Favorite Verse: Numbers 6: 24-26, The Lord bless you and keep you the Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.
Senaida Hart, First Grade

I feel excited and blessed to join the wonderful community of families and teachers at Vero Classical School. I find great joy in working with children and their families. My goals in education are to see students grow in the Lord, love others, and create lifelong learners. God made a wonderful world for us to enjoy and learn about together!
I’ve been a private English and reading tutor for many years and have taught in co-ops and private schools. I’ve delighted in being a Sunday School teacher for 20 years. I hold a Bachelor of Science in Public Administration with a focus on Policy and Leadership. I recently completed my Master's Degree in Curriculum and Instruction over the summer (2024).
I love living in Vero with my husband of 25 years. We have two adult children, a daughter and a son. My hobbies include spending time with my family and friends, spoiling my dog, reading, listening to podcasts, and volunteering in the community. The Magician’s Nephew by C.S. Lewis is my favorite book.
My heart verse - Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 19:14
Reeny Sempsrott, Teacher Aide

I am thankful to God for the opportunity to serve at Vero Classical School, and to be part of its beginnings. I am excited to learn and grow in the classical approach. I am passionate about helping children and families to know and love God by helping to create an environment of joy, curiosity, trust, and worder of God, his word, and his world. I have had the pleasure of serving in early education for the last 35 plus years by teaching both kindergarten and PK4, and directing for almost 15 years. It is here that I find my purpose and ministry. I have been married to my husband, Greg, for 37 years. We have 4 married children and 12 fabulous grandchildren, with another one on the way! Family and the beach are my happy places. I also enjoy running, working out, and eating good food!
I look forward to working with the leadership and staff, and to meeting the children and families at Vero Classical. It's going to be amazing!
Favorite Verse: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and hi will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6
Emily Smith, Second Grade

I am so thankful for the opportunity God has given me to join the Vero Classical family. I find great joy in molding young learners in the image of Christ and helping to prepare for their journey in this life. I have a Bachelor of Science in Elementary K-6. I have 11 years teaching experience in public education as a first grade and kindergarten teacher. I am so excited to begin a new adventure as the second grade teacher. I’ve been married to my husband, Bryant for 10 years. We have two sons, ages 5 and 3. My hobbies include swimming, reading, and spending time with my family.
Favorite verse: May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13
Brian Smith, Third Grade

I am beyond grateful for the opportunity to teach at Vero Classical School. In meeting the amazing administration and staff and in seeing the curriculum, I couldn’t be more blessed and excited to bring love and laughter to the students and to provide the faith, character, education, and skills that will lead them to success.
I am finishing my tenth year teaching third grade at Glendale Christian School, and I cannot continue without thanking my principal, fellow staff, students, and their families for the experience, wisdom, love, and memories I’ve received during my time there!
I was born and raised in Vero Beach. Fishing and camping with my family are what I love to do outside of teaching. I have been married to my wonderful wife, Sarah, for 12 years. We have three children ages 5, 6, and 9. When I look at them and at the students, I can’t help but teach and emulate the reference from the verse Matthew 19:26. “For with God, all things are possible!
Romans 15:4 For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.
Amy Costigan, Fourth Grade

Mrs. Amy Costigan has been teaching secondary History and Social Studies in both the public and private school settings for nearly 20 years. She is a graduate of Messiah University with a Bachelors Degree in History with Social Studies Certification. Along with a Bachelors Degree in History, Mrs. Costigan graduated Summa Cum Laude with a Masters Degree in Education from Cabrini University. She holds teaching certification in the states of Pennsylvania and North Carolina and also with ACSI. Amy has a strong commitment to the humanities and has participated in several professional development opportunities including a renowned literacy program hosted by the University of Pennsylvania’s Graduate School of Education and Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History’s Summer Seminar at President James Madison’s Montpelier. In addition to academic pursuits, Amy has enjoyed serving in short-term mission capacities to children in inner city Atlanta, to orphans in Romania, and in teaching English to students at Qingdao University, China. Mrs. Costigan enjoys bringing the curriculum to life for her students through the study of literature, primary sources, and interactive activities. In the classroom, her greatest joy is in fostering a student’s love of learning and believes in the transformative power of story which is uniquely found in the study of the humanities and chief of all, in God’s Word. Mrs. Costigan and her husband Keith, also a secondary certified History teacher, enjoy traveling to national and international historical sites and bringing those experiences into the classroom. Their greatest adventure is found in parenting their eight year-old daughter Hannah and serving the Lord where He calls. Mrs. Costigan is thrilled to serve God and the families at Vero Classical School this coming Fall!
Keith Costigan, Fifth Grade

Keith Costigan received his undergraduate degree in History from Lafayette College and Masters degrees in history and education from Villanova University and the University of Pennsylvania. He taught for 27 years in the Pennsylvania public school system and has taught the last 5 years in private Christian education in Hawaii and Naples, Florida.
He has taught a variety of subjects over the last 30 years including World Geography, Ancient History, American History, British Literature, and US Government. He has attended the Gilder Lehrman Institute’s Summer Seminar at Yale University and the Oxford and Cambridge Seminar sponsored by the C.S. Lewis Foundation. His interest in History has taken him to historic sites in all 50 states and over 45 counties. He has served as a short-term missionary in Turkey and Romania and taught English in China with his wife Amy at Qingdao University. He also worked on construction projects in Mexico and Guatemala. Keith enjoys mountain biking, scuba diving, surfing, and hiking and has completed 300 miles of the Appalachian Trail. In 2016 Keith and Amy were blessed with the birth of their daughter Hannah, who already shares her parent’s interests in reading and exploring historic sites.
Melissa Carter, Art

Art education is essential because children are whole persons and as such, have an innate need for beauty in their lives. We are all created for worship and the arts are an expression of that. I believe visual art helps children grow in countless ways, but particularly, it gives them language for creating visual poetry. Plus, it inspires joy!
I have been an art educator here in Indian River County since 2013, at Sebastian Elementary and Rosewood Magnet School. I graduated summa cum laude with my bachelor’s degree and master’s degree in Art Education from Florida International University, where I was trained classically in drawing and painting and was able to study abroad in France and Italy. My main medium has been oil paint, however, I’ve recently ventured out into murals for Calvary Chapel Vero Beach, The Buggy Bunch, and CareNet Pregnancy Center.
My husband Nicholas and I have three wonderful children - Remi, Clive, and Camille. I’m looking forward to making beautiful things with the students of Vero Classical! We’re going to have tons of fun and experiment with a wide variety of media.
It’s impossible to choose one favorite verse, but in regard to education, I love Colossians 3:23 “And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men.”

Daniel Pastor, Physical Education
I am extremely excited at the opportunity to work at Vero Classical School. I was born and raised in Vero Beach and would never want to live anywhere else. I have a Bachelor's Degree from Florida International University, and I am currently pursuing a General Contractor's license as well as a Personal Trainer's license from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am very passionate about athletics and health in general because there is no limit to what one can accomplish with discipline and hard work. In athletics, one can always learn and improve with a healthy mindset and positive encouragement. I am very thankful for all the people who have encouraged me to be better because it has not only helped me with sports but also with my relationship with Christ. I love working with kids, and I look forward to helping them master their bodies and their attitudes through physical education class everyday!
Favorite Verse: That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weakness, in insults, in hardships, in persecution, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. 2 Corinthians 12:10
Joanne Knott, Music

I am excited to be a part of the beginning of this wonderful new school. My husband and I have been married 22 years, and have a daughter who just graduated high school and a son who is starting his junior year at IRCHS. I have a Bachelor of Arts in Drama from San Diego State University. While in California I started my own music studio with 40 students and was a teacher with the Music Teachers Association of California. I was blessed to spend the majority of my elementary and high school years in Peru where my father was a missionary with the
Lutheran Church. It was an experience which has had a large impact on who I am today. Since we moved to Florida 19 years ago, I have developed many musical connections in Indian River County. I have had the honor to play with colleagues in two “Monster Piano Concerts” at Christ By the Sea. I was the accompanist for the Vero Beach Choral Society for 12 years and currently do a lot of accompanying for SRHS band and choir students and IRCHS choir events like MPA, VAPA, and solos and ensemble. My family and I are very blessed to be at our current church Calvary Chapel of Sebastian, and I volunteer in the children’s ministry, prayer ministry and also
at Carenet Pregnancy Center in Vero Beach.
One of my favorite verses is “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to his purpose” Rom. 8:28
Pamela Prange Stanfield, Drama

Pam is excited to be working with the Vero Classical School team and students! Students will get an introduction to acting, theatre, performing skills and techniques, and the history of Drama and its impact on the World.
Pam was born and raised in Vero Beach. She graduated from Florida State University and worked for 5 years as a Registered Music Therapist in Cleveland Ohio. She obtained her master’s degree from Nova University with a master’s in Educational Leadership. She has been retired for the last two years after teaching 33 years in the
IRC school system. During those years she taught 4 years as a Special Education Teacher for students with Physical Impairments, 6 years as an Elementary Music Teacher, 16 years as the Choral Director and Drama teacher at Gifford Middle School, and the last 8 years as a Resource Compliance Specialist for Special Education. She has also retired from the position of Director of Music for Grace Lutheran Church, where she has been a lifelong member.
Traveling the world has always been a passion. Three years ago, she married for the first time! Her husband Landis (a school counselor) has three sons and also loves to travel, sing, and perform! Together they perform with the Treasure Coast Choral in Vero, First Baptist Church Vocal Choir and Handbell Choir (Vero), and the First Baptist Church Vocal Choir of Smithfield, North Carolina.
Favorite Bible Verses:
Job 37:14 Stand still, and consider the wondrous works of God!
Psalm 46:10 Be Still and know that I am God.
Brandy Gibson, Office Administrator

I am truly thankful that God puts people in specific places for specific seasons of their lives. I worked at Master's Academy for 10 years, during which so many people and students left and imprint on my life and heart.
I have been married to my hardworking, loving husband for 21 years and we have two kids, Emily and Logan. Emily is a nurse in labor and delivery and will complete her NP next June. Logan is pursuing his calling from the Lord to join the United States Air Force, for which he will leave in the coming months.
I have worn many hats as an office administrator, but to sum it up, my love for kids and love for the Lord are my passion in everything I do, no matter the task. I am so excited to start my next chapter at Vero Classical School as the Administrative Assistant and Marketing Director.
Favorite Scriptures:
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
Psalms 139:14
This is the day which the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it! Psalm 118:26
Jamison Kelley, Classical Coordinator

Education has been a passion of mine for as long as I can remember. I graduated from Wheaton College with a degree in Elementary Education with a concentration in Sociology. Upon graduating, I had the extreme fortune of being hired as a first grade teacher at Covenant Classical School of Naperville. This was my first exposure to Christian classical education, and I was completely blown away by all the students were able to learn, understand, and communicate. Since then, I have continued to love and study this methodology of teaching over the last decade which has only solidified my position that Christian classical education is the very best option for schooling. I have both grammar school and middle school teaching experience - and I loved each one.
It is my joy and honor to serve at Vero Classical School as the Classical Coordinator. I believe so deeply in educating the whole child - mind and soul. I am so excited that Vero Classical School exists, and I delight every day in the work being done here by the most incredible team of teachers to the benefit of the most wonderful student body and their families. My husband, Michael, and I are the founders of Vero Classical School, and our three sons all attend in 5th, 4th, and 1st grades. I'm so grateful that God has blessed the start of this school, and I cannot wait to see all He does in the future.
It's hard for me to choose a favorite verse of the bible because my favorite aspect of scripture is that from start to finish God is proving over and over again that He is who He says He is, and He will always accomplish what He says He will accomplish.

Allison Cloughley, Marketing & Development Coordinator
I’m Allison Cloughley, and I’m honored to serve as the new Marketing & Development Coordinator at Vero Classical School. As a native of Vero Beach, my husband Grant and I are thrilled to have our daughter Merritt start her journey as a kindergartener at Vero Classical School, while our son Graham eagerly looks forward to joining her someday.
With a strong background in marketing and public relations, I hold a Bachelor of Science in Public Relations and Marketing from Florida Southern College. My career has been dedicated to enhancing marketing efforts and fostering community relations, driven by a philanthropic mindset and a passion for fund development.
I am excited about the opportunity to share the incredible things Vero Classical School has to offer with our community and blessed to be a part of this inspiring journey.
Favorite verse: "In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven." - Matthew 5:16